Hair Me Out: @imaansaboune & @looksbylinds


Imaan and Lindsay are two must-know fashionistas living here in Vancouver, BC. Imaan was born and raised on the North Shore and Lindsay is from Sault Ste. Marie in Ontario. They both come from very different places but with the power of social media and a love for fashion, the two connected and are now inseparable. We caught up with the duo at this years Deighton Cup to get to know them better!



Ladies, let’s kick this off with… how did you guys meet?
I: Lindsay and I actually met on Instagram. I know, super millennial.
L: Yep we met on the internet! A true Instagram love story.

What’s the biggest obstacle you find about being a blogger?
I: I find that the biggest obstacle about being a blogger is not having control over the platform my content is being shared on. With the algorithm constantly changing it’s hard to see content you’ve put lots of time and thought into.
L: The biggest obstacle about being a blogger I personally think is knowing how to split your time capturing and really enjoying your life.



What brings you to the Deighton Cup this year? What inspired your look?
I: This year Lindsay and I were approached by the team at Deighton Cup to take part in their “style squad” competition where we are going up against four other Vancouver influencer’s for the most stylish group at the races! I saw my dress online and thought it would be so fun and perfect for the horse races (me being the situational dresser I am).
L: We decided to go to the Deighton Cup this year because we had a blast last year! Our group dressed in head to toe pink as a theme inspired by the Kylie Skin launch



Speaking of the Deighton Cup, what’s the best thing about the event?
I: Personally, I love to see the fashion. There’s not many events you go to where everyone really goes “all out” fashion wise. I find fashion is more fun and free when it comes to the Deighton Cup!
L: The fashion! It;s the best event to people watch.

If you could describe your style in one word?
I: Ahh I always find this SO hard! I would probably say “downtown”.
L: Versatile.

What inspires you?
I: I don’t really have one distinct thing that inspires me, I kind of gather any inspiration from my surroundings
L: So many! My grandma, cousins, Coco Chanel, Blake Lively, Lauren Conrad and so much more.



Three staple pieces you can’t live without?
I: Oversized black blazer, good denim and loafers.
L: White t-shirt, a-line dress and denim.

What’s your dream travel destination?
I: I actually got the opportunity to go to my dream travel destination last month, which was Greece! It was so incredible and lived past all my expectations. I think next on the list is Bora Bora!
L: Mine is Bora Bora!

How would you describe each other in three words?
I: Funny, loyal and hardworking.
L: Imaan is kind, diligent and hilarious!

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